We offer opportunities for scriptural studies in our Sunday School Programs at Saint Paul United Methodist Church. Our Sunday School Classes begin at 9:00 am and end around 9:45 am and we invite you to share this time for fellowship and study of our Christian faith. In recent years, we have combined adult classes in order to serve participants better. As we continue to grow, new classes will form and our hopes will be to begin this year with a class designed for younger adults with children. We will post newclasses as they form on this page.NurseryRoom 108ToddlersRoom 107Godly PlayRoom 106An exciting new program developed for children ranging in ages between 4 and 11.Adult Sunday SchoolPrime TimeRoom 104primarily retirees using study plans and discussionsSeekersRoom 103adults of all ages using short term Bible studies including works by Max Lucado,Adam Hamilton and others
We offer opportunities for scriptural studies in our Sunday School Programs at Saint Paul United Methodist Church. Our Sunday School Classes begin at 9:00 am and end around 9:45 am and we invite you to share this time for fellowship and study of our Christian faith. In recent years, we have combined adult classes in order to serve participants better. As we continue to grow, new classes will form and our hopes will be to begin this year with a class designed for younger adults with children. We will post newclasses as they form on this page.
NurseryRoom 108ToddlersRoom 107Godly PlayRoom 106Developed for children ranging in ages between 4 and 11
Prime TimeRoom 104primarily retirees using study plans and discussionsSeekersRoom 103adults of all ages using short term Bible studies including works by Max Lucado, Adam Hamilton and others