We now offer 3 electronic methods of giving to our church in addition to the traditional ways you currently give. The new electronic methods are processed through Abundant Giving, so your transactions are safe and secure.Let’s start by setting up your personalized account at Abundant Giving. Use your smartphone or tablet and go to the app store and download the Abundant Giving by ACS. Once you have downloaded the app, you will start the process of creating your personal account. Open the Abundant app and follow the set up steps on the screen. Some of these steps include setting up a pin for your personal account, selecting Saint Paul UMC as the church you are giving to, your email address (which serves as your login name) and you will create a password for your account.Then you will link either a credit card, a debit card or your checking account to your account. Follow the instructions on the screen and once this information is completed, you are ready to give using your Abundant Giving account.WebsiteOnce your account is set up and you wish to donate from this page, left click on the button below and login to your account.
AppOn your mobile device, select your Abundant Giving app and open the app and login.Text GivingText to 73256 and use the keyword STPUMC (all caps). Login to your account. You will only have to set up your account once. Once that step is complete, you will be able to use any one of these three methods for giving electronically.
We now offer 3 electronic methods of giving to our church in addition to the traditional ways you currently give. The new electronic methods are processed through Abundant Giving, so your transactions are safe and secure.Let’s start by setting up your personalized account at Abundant Giving. Use your smartphone or tablet and go to the app store and download the Abundant Giving by ACS. Once you have downloaded the app, you will start the process of creating your personal account. Open your app and follow the set up steps on the screen. Some of these steps include setting up a pin for your personal account, selecting Saint Paul UMC as the church you are giving to, your email address (which serves as your login name) and you will create a password for your account.Next, you will link either a credit card, a debit card or your checking account to your account. Follow the instructions on the screen and once this information is completed, you are ready to give using your Abundant Giving account.WebsiteOnce your account is set up and you wish to donate from this page, left click on the button below and login to your account.AppOn your mobile device, select your Abundant Giving app and open the app and login.Text GivingText to 73256 and use the keyword STPUMC (all caps). Login to your account.You will only have to set up your account once. Once that step is complete, you will be able to use any one of these three methods for giving electronically.