Welcome to Saint Paul United Methodist Church. As we prepare for our 65th anniversary in 2025, we rededicate ourselves to our foundation as a missional church for the east side of Spartanburg by… We have a number of connectional ministries at Saint Paul and invite you to join us. It is with a servants heart that we move together in faith.Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 am for the Sunday School hour and at 10:00 am for our Worship Service.
Upcoming Events At Saint Paul UMC
As we enter the Fall, we are happy to announce that we will be having our New Member’s Classes beginning on Sunday, September 1st andwill continue on Sunday, September 8th and Sunday, September 15th beginning at 9:00 am and ending at 9:45 am. Pastor Megan Gray willlead these classes and we invite all of our recent guest along with those who are planning on joining our Saint Paul UMC family to attend.For further information, please feel free to contact Pastor Megan at (864) 582-4040.
Did you know that you can watch our Sunday morning worship services on your Smart TV? Just select the YouTube app on your Smart TV and search for SaintPaulUMCSpartanburg at 10:00 am and you’ll be able to live stream our service. You won’t even need a computer to watch the service! Of course for those who wish to watch our services on the tablet or computer devices, we also broadcast so that you can choose either our YouTube Channel or our FaceBook livestream. Just click on the link to watch!
Threads Of Agape
Our Threads of Agape ministry will meet on Friday, September 6th and Friday, September 20th at 10:00 am to continue to work on knitted projects supporting our outreach program serving homeless children and adults in our community.It is a blessing to share time in fellowship as create various knitted items that we’ll begin distributing in the Fallwhen temperatures begin to drop. Please join us as we use our gifts and talents to help this important ministry.
The Elsie Greer Circle will meet for lunch onTuesday, September 3rd at 12:00 pm. All arewelcome and contact the church office at(864) 582-4040 for more information.
New Members Classes Begin
The Blanche Greer Circle will meet in Poston Hallon Monday, September 16th at 9:30 am to 12:00 pmfor our first meeting of the Fall. We invite everyone to join us as we discuss our ministries and plans beginning this Fall.
The Anne Ratilff Circle will be meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 11:30 am in Room 103to enjoy a time of fellowship and discussions. All are welcomed to join us and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th.
Pastoral Bible Studies Begin
We are excited to announce that beginning on Thursday, September 12th at 10:30 am to 12:00 pmin Poston Hall, we will kick off the innaugural Pastoral Bible Study time with Pastor Megan Gray.This will be a weekly Bible study - Thursday mornings from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.Mark your calendar and plan to attend this time of study and fellowship!
Thrive - A Study Of The Book Of James Begins Tuesday September 24th
The word, Thrive, describes something alive, vibrant, and moving in the right direction to prosper and flourish. The purppose of this studyis to help us discover that it is possible to thrive regardless of circumstances or how hard life seems.Plan on joining us on Tuesday evenings beginning September 24th for 6 weeks at 6:30 pm in Room 103 as we study and embrace theteachings from the Book of James move beyond surviving to thriving.
Welcome to Saint Paul United Methodist Church. As we prepare for our 65th anniversary in 2025, we rededicate ourselves to our foundation as amissional church for the east side of Spartanburg by… Sharing The Love Of God and Caring For Our CommunityWe have a number of connectional ministries at Saint Paul and invite you tojoin us. It is with a servants heart that we move together in faith.Sunday School begins at 9:00 am followed by our 10:00 am Worship Service.
Upcoming Events At Saint Paul UMC
Smaller Group Connections At Saint Paul UMC
Sunday Mornings 9:00 amSunday SchoolAdult Education WingSunday Afternoons 1:00 pmPickleballShuler Family CenterWednesday Evenings 6:30 pmChoir PracticeChoir RoomFellowship Meal 5:30 pmThursday 08-29Poston HallUnited Methodist MenSunday 09-08Family Center CanteenWomen In FaithCheck Monthly Calendar For Groups and timeThreads of Agape 10:00 am1st and 3rd FridaysRoom 105Bible Studies 10:30 amThursday MorningsPoston HallThrive Studies 6:30 pmTuesdays 09-24Room 103
Did you know that you can now watch our Sunday morning worship service onyour Smart TV by using the YouTube app? Simply select the app and search for SaintPaulUMCSpartanburg at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings and we’ll be broadcasting our service.For those wanting to watch on their tablet or computers, simply click the linksbelow where you’ll find us on the web.We hope you will join us in worship every Sunday morning at 10:00 am.
New Members Classes Begin
As we enter the Fall, we are happy to announce that we will be having our New Member’s Classes beginning on Sunday, September 1st and will continue on Sunday, September 8th and Sunday, September 15th beginning at 9:00 am and ending at 9:45 am. Pastor Megan Gray willlead these classes and we invite all of our recent guest along with those who are planning on joining our Saint Paul UMC family to attend.For further information, please feel free to contact Pastor Megan at (864) 582-4040.
Pastoral Bible Studies Begin
We are excited to announce that beginning on Thursday, September 12th at 10:30 am to 12:00 pmin Poston Hall, we will kick off the innaugural Pastoral Bible Study time with Pastor Megan Gray.This will be a weekly Bible study - Thursday mornings from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this time of study and fellowship!
Thrive - A Study Of The Book Of James Begins Tuesday September 24th
The word, Thrive, describes something alive, vibrant, and moving in the right direction to prosper and flourish. The purppose of this study is to help us discover that it is possible to thrive regardless of circumstances or how hard life seems.Plan on joining us on Tuesday evenings beginning September 24th for 6 weeks at 6:30 pm in Room 103 as we study and embrace the teachings from the Book of James move beyond surviving to thriving.